My name is Anna Roberta. As a small secret between just us two, I also have a third name, but that's a story for another time. I am old enough to have lived in two different centuries and can barely spell out the city I was born in. But my home has always been in Estonia.
Elukutselt olen professionaalne balletiartist ja töötan Eesti Rahvusballetis esitantsijana. Kui aega üle on, tegelen nii kaamera taga kui ees olemisega ning erinevat sorti sündmustele balletinumbrite lavastamise ning esitamisega.
Since I want my children and grandchildren to have a beautiful world to live in, I do my best to take care of the environment and live a sustainable life.
I love a well made coconut milk cappuccino, good food, warm weathers and pleasant company. Ideally all of these together. I enjoy meeting new people and discussing everything in the world. If we end up in a conversation I have something to learn from, better be ready for endless questions.